Poles and Metal Bridges for Equipment Support

Algosystems has acquired know-how over the past few years in the design and construction of overhead support infrastructures for equipment used for the smooth and safe operation of motorways.
Specifically, it provides an integrated technical solution for:
- Poles, on which smart traffic systems are installed and for
- Metal structures-gantries on which the electronic signposts are installed.
The poles that are manufactured are either 6m fixed poles or 15m and 18m split fold poles to facilitate the maintenance of the mounted systems, while the span of the metal structures-gantries varies from 15 to 60 meters.
The solutions provided by Algosystems are:
- Foundation design
- Structural design
- Independent control of the Static Design if there are particular technical requirements (e.g. gantry with span greater than 50m.)
- Production of Construction Plans
- Independent Material Grade control used for the construction of poles and gantries
- Assembling and
- Construction of poles and gantries on motorways.