High Accuracy Metrology Services

The Metrology Division of Algosystems has been providing metrological equipment calibration since 1991, in line with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 17043, ISO 17065, ISO 17065, etc.
The Metrology Division is accredited, according to International Standard ISO/IEC 17025, by the National Accreditation System (ESYD) with Accreditation Number 345.
It operates in the following areas:
- Calibration of Metrological Equipment, covering most of the equipment installed in Greece.
- Specialized Measurements, such as wind speed and differential pressure measurement in road tunnels, product control, system speed measurements, speed limit control, and more.
- Development of calibration and precision measurement procedures
After 27 years of dynamic contribution to the Greek market of Metrology and Precision Measurements, Algosystems has implemented multiple large-scale measurement projects. Based on its high-level scientific staff, know-how and advanced equipment, Algosystems has emerged as a reliable business partner with more than 2000 customers looking for quality metrology services. Customers, coming from all sectors of the economy: Industry, Construction, Transport, as well as the wider Public Sector and Academia.
Metrology Equipment Calibration Services
The metrology equipment calibration tasks are implemented both at our company's Fixed Workshops and on-site at the customer's premises for a wide range of equipment.
Traceability of Measurements
Appropriate standard devices are used for Calibration of Instruments, the Traceability of which is ensured through an unbroken chain of successive calibrations on the National Standards of National Metrology Institutes EIM (Greece), NPL (Great Britain), BNM (France), NIST (USA), etc.
Also, after the completion of the Calibration Tasks, a consolidated list of the Calibrated Instruments is sent, showing, among other things, the calibration dates and the Calibration Certificate Number.
In addition, Algosystems undertakes to notify in writing and promptly the re-calibration of the measuring equipment, with the help of its specialized software system for the registration and management of all elements of the Calibrated Instruments.
Calibration Label
After calibration, a special self-adhesive label is placed on each instrument indicating its calibration dates, Certificate Number and Asset Number.
Calibration Certificates
Calibration certificates issued are detailed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
Printed on special paper bearing an engraved stamp of authenticity, stating the following:
- Name and Address of the Company.
- The descriptive details of the Instrument, identification number and certificate number.
- The date of verification of the Instrument and the certificate’s date of issue.
- The type of measurement results. Namely, whether it is with or without adjustment.
- The standard equipment used and the traceability of the standard devices used in National Standards, in the case of calibration certificates outside the scope of accreditation.
- Summarized calibration process and calibrated parameters.
- The indications of the standard device and the indications of the instrument under calibration.
- The deviation of the calibrated instrument indications to the standard device.
- The uncertainty of measurement.