SCADA Systems for use in Motorway Tunnel Systems

SCADA Systems for use in Motorway Tunnel Systems

Algosystems maintains strategic partnerships with SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition) development companies, thus offering a wide range of solutions and applications.

Industrial management as well as traffic management incorporate an evolving requirement for continuous information, stemming from the requirements of immediate and effective intervention in any extraordinary circumstances through a coherent platform.

In a motorway tunnel environment, the SCADA system can offer simultaneous and uninterrupted monitoring of the following systems:

  • Lighting levels
  • Visibility levels
  • Concentration of gases
  • Check of hot standby of servers - central controllers - communication network
  • Fan operation
  • Fire alarm
  • Power supply network monitoring
  • Operation of transformers
  • Traffic and signing
  • Fire and emergency scenarios in emergency situations

Modern SCADA systems gradually integrate Internet of Things technologies and provide complete solutions in HMI (Human Machine Interface) applications. In addition, they offer flexible capabilities of specific solutions that can meet growing customer requirements. It is worth noting that real-time connectivity with multiple data sources, as well as the necessary services for each application, are included in the system’s architecture.